Monday, April 26, 2010

SLC 1/2 Marathon

Woke up early Saturday morning and headed towards the start line to run another 1/2 marathon with Adria. We had a great time running together last time so why not do it again. I was feeling great and surprisingly relaxed. Mentally I knew I it was going to be a great race so while Adria did a proper warm up, I worked on my sweet robot dance moves.

The race started and we were off. I thought there would have been a larger crowd, but there were still plenty of crazies to look at including a few old friends. The weather was perfect, the temperature ideal and gradual downhill course was much appreciated for someone that did not train as hard as she should have.

Our cheer squad found us around mile seven with this great sign (click the photo if you can't read it) and a fountain Diet Coke. Who knew a swig of the good stuff would hit the spot. Kept running and surprising lost track of mile 8 and passed the mile 9 sign feeling great.

Rounded the last corner and up the long and slow hill, but SLC has NOTHING on Seattle hills so it did not kill me. Headed towards the Gateway Mall and the crowds stared to appear. High-fived Steph and finished strong.

While it was not my best time I had a fun time. I felt better then I've ever felt after a 1/2 and I'm pretty sure it's thanks to this great cheer squad and running partner.


Annie Hall said...

wait someone was in SLC and I didn't get a call? :(

Melissa said...

you are freakin awesome!

Natalie Clay said...

I can't believe you are such a runner! I am so fearful of running. You are my hero!!!

Gypsy said...

Love the cheering squad. I'd run from skinny bitches too.