Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Catch Up

I'm going to be better about this blogging thing. I'm now so far behind it's a little overwhelming to know where to start so for my own record keeping and sanity I give you the longest most random post ever.

There were a few I missed blogging about last year, but here is the short version.
A Swell Season

Did you ever see the movie Once? You should have. These two are great. At one point, he rocked out so hard on his guitar he broke 2 strings, 3 times and all this after an annoying 5 minute conversation he had with someone in the balcony. Strange.

Then there was the Kelly Clarkson and Eric Hutchinson concert with these lovely ladies. There honestly is nothing more therapeutic then singing Kelly's songs at the top of your lungs with some great girlfriends. It also helped that we sat by a few creepy and crazy people.

I pretty much am the luckiest person because not only does my family rock, but my friends are the greatest ever. I spent numerous nights laughing and crying with these girls. They have helped get me through some rough patches, helped me see the errors of my way, listen to me complain, kept my secrets and let me lend a shoulder in return. They support me in my running adventures and are always game for a little Glass Castle.

While I've got great friends in WA and UT this cute little one has been gone for much to long. S - I know you are having a great time in Taiwan, but I miss you! Come back to us soon. I'm going to make a paper chain and start counting down the days.

I've really been working on being a better friend and cleaning my life of all drama/games. It's been hard and lonely at times, but it seems to be working.

I was home for a weekend visiting the Clays when my brother asked my dad if he could "borrow some of his closes." Ben was going to an office Christmas party and needed to dress up like a cowboy. My dad was convinced he would not find what he was looking for, but I think Ben did all right. I might have died laughing at this one.

Speaking of the Clays, how can you not just love this little face.

Then came Christmas with the Moores in sunny California. Who does not want to wake up Christmas morning to these cute little ones. Macy is a girl after my own heart wearing her sunglasses, princesses pj's and vacuuming.

Sisters, please keep having more babies.


H C M said...

cute cute kids, great pics.

Natalie Clay said...

Damn cute kids! Of course I may be a little biased.