Tuesday, November 30, 2010

TG 2010

I give you Lyman Thanksgiving in Spokane. It lasted about 30 hours and went a little something as follows:

Mom, "If you make the mashed potatoes ahead of time, you can warm them in the crock pot the day of. It has changed my life."
Dad's thought, "I wonder what golf game is on right now."

A few things I love about this photo. 1. The multiple diet coke cans 2. How skinny my arm looks (good angle brother) 3. That I'm looking at A HUNTING MAGAZINE. We don't hunt in my family

Patrick, "Are my eyes open in this one?"

Ben, "Oh Sarah Warah"
Sarah, "You people make me crazy."

Patrick, "This is so cheesy."
Linds, "You're just mad I have not showed yet."

Here is what we look like before our faces wake up for the day.

Jared, "Look guys, Dad's hat from 1980 still works."

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. And P, thanks for spending it with me.

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