Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I'm a honker. Your car has a horn for a reason here people. Why not use it when necessary. I've even been know to honk other peoples horns when they are driving. Really it's just to help teach them when it is and is not appropriate to honk.

Today I was merging onto the freeway in morning rush hour traffic when some D-Bag decides he needs to speed up and pass 2 more cars even though his lane had ended because you know, 2 cars length is really going to make a difference. I laid on my horn as he ends up cutting in front of me only after I slam on my breaks so he did not hit the side of the tunnel we were heading into. I keep honking and honking (come on, we were in a tunnel, it was fun), but my horn quickly looses its umph and starts slowing lowering an octave at a time. I let off the horn as embarrassment and defeat sets in. You can't really say "screw you" when a wimpy horn. I was more upset about my lame sounding horn then the guy that cut me off.

Looks like I need to get that fixed ASAP. I've got lots more honking to do.


Annie Hall said...

I just copied and pasted this link to my friends Drew's facebook, because the other day he just honked his horn randomly and said he thinks the horn is under used.

I believe you have honked my horn before. I feel blessed. <3

Lindsay Jane said...

Annie - This Drew character sounds like a genius and I've honked a lot of horns, but you know that. :)

Collin said...

The Onion agrees with you about the usefulness of the horn so you must be right.



By the way, I am not sure why I find it so hilarious that the security word Blogger is making me type to leave this comment is "dingle."