Friday, September 11, 2009

Life is Good

So I've totally slacked on my blogging and I will do my best to not get so far behind, but there just is not enough time.

Cliff Notes version of this post: Life is GREAT!

Work Update:
Last week my boss was in from New York and my awesome client and team came into a meeting we were having to give me a card they all had signed, a huge gift certificate to my favorite spa/salon and a huge thanks for pitching in to help while my client was on vacation for a month. It was so nice. Nice of them to get me something, nice of them to take time out of their very (and I mean VERY) busy schedules to say thanks, and nice of them to do it in front of my boss. It was a great day! Thanks guys.

Friend Update:
I pretty much have the worlds greatest friends and have been extremely grateful for them. I was out struggling on my 11 mile run and the one thing that kept me going was remember that feeling I had running my first 1/2 marathon and seeing Steph around mile 10. Knowing that she was there to cheer me on was the motivation I needed. Or take Pamela who planned and sponsored a great kayaking adventure, re-stocks the fridge with Diet Coke, shares her pool, and keeps me laughing along the way. Or Farah who always seems to know when I need chocolate covered gummy bears, runs with me, forces me to talk about things, plans trips, and makes sure whatever we are doing turns into some kind of funny adventure. Or Sunny who is always leaving me surprises on my desk, inspires me to be a runner, and cares about how I'm doing. And Nissa who has a way to make me feel comfortable with things that I'm self conscious about, is willing to try new adventure, and has a calming nature that makes me feel relaxed and at ease. Or Cara who's amazing and yet realistic outlook on life keeps me thinking of how I can improve, who's wardrobe color selection matches mine, and who's whit keeps me eager for more. And Em who understands, she gets it, she wants the concert details and gets just as excited, and even lets me crash at her place. And this is just a few of the many great friends I have.

Family Update:
I love living close enough to my brothers that we can randomly get together for dinner any night of the week or breakfast Saturday morning. I'm excited for the Clays to have a new little one and can't wait to see the Moore's this weekend. Everyone is healthy and happy.

I love my ward. Really. I leave church every Sunday in the best mood. I've seen countless acts of service and how it has changed people's lives for the better. I've been able to share in the joy of seeing someone feel the love of their Heavenly Father. I've met the most amazing women that are doing incredible things. I never knew you could genuinely love a group of people so much.

See life is good. It's been an amazing summer. Can't wait to see what winter has in store for me.

1 comment:

lynsey said...

oh girlie girl. please tell me that winter has a trip to AZ in store for you!

i'm so glad you've had a fabulous summer and that you're being appreciated at work and by those who love you. and I LOVE YOU TOO!

you are an amazing gal. i really can't say it enough.