Monday, October 27, 2008

The Gym

So many adventures at the gym, so little time.

- MY (NOT Stephanie's) gym boyfriend* walked in with a super cute, thin, blond girl that I like to think is his sister, but in my heart I know it is his real girlfriend.

- My trainer Javon (who shaves his head including his eyebrows...weird) had a piece of lettuce stuck in his sporadic and stubbly beard. I could not bring myself to tell him and had the most awkward workout while I tried not to look at him.

- I had to literally stop the treadmill while watching Rob & Big because I could not stop laughing....and then I think everyone around starting laughing at me.

- Wilson Philips 'Hold On For One More Day' came on the radio and sure enough Javon belted out the chorus.

- Actual question from Javon: "What are your plans for Thanksgiving or do guys (meaning Mormons) not do Thanksgiving?" Seriously?

* Picking up on people at the gym goes against everything I believe


stephanielynn said...

Who came home and told you about him before you had ever noticed him? He's MY gym boyfriend but what does it matter now becuase he has a real (non-stalker) girlfriend. Boo.

Annie Hall said...

My and my sister just joined a gym this week. I can't wait for good times and gym boyfriends.

Lindsey said...

I love that song! ha ha! My mom used to sing it all the time, so I know all the i just admit that?

frandses said...

ha ha. This post made me laugh. My sister hates it when I come home at night and talk about my gym crush.


Anonymous said...

Rob & Big are banned from our house. I find it hard to function during and after an episode due to the laugh attacks I have whilst watching. Sometimes I laugh even before an episode has started just in anticipation...

Gym boyfriends are so overrated. I'm glad mine never made a move because then I might not have hooked up with Brian (he was my psychology boyfriend, LOL)...

lynsey said...

you always crack me up. stop fighting with your roomie about who's non-boyfriend is who's!