Wednesday, February 20, 2008

One Degree of Seperation!

I had the best flight ever to New York! My first class seat was perfect and as I was getting settled, Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick sat down two seats in front of me. I instantly started freaking out and wanted to yell out, "Everybody Footloose," but realized the business men around me did not care and were not impressed. I snapped this picture with my phone before we took off while trying not to get caught.

What do Kevin and Kyra do on a 5.5 hour flight you ask? Well, Kyra read a script on her Mac while Kevin listened to music and did a crossword puzzle. Stars really are just like us. :)

I wished Dewey was there to show Kevin this sweet move:


lynsey said...

i still can't wrap my brain around this. first often do you ride first class? this is one of my "Z" goals & you have already accomplished it! next...i know i am a botard when it comes to the excitement i feel when i hear of star sightings from people i know closely but i just can't help it. thank you for taking a picture of the tip-tops of their heads. it made it that much more real to me.

Jared Lyman said...

Wow, that's cool.

Jody and Jake Moore said...

I am so jealous. I saw Kevin Bacon on the Colbert Report on Friday night. He just made a cameo but I thought to myself, "Ahhh... He must have been flying to NYC to shoot the Colbert Report." I've been telling everyone this story by the way.

Anonymous said...

To hell with staying calm. I'm a business man and I would have been in their laps. Think about it, it's Kevin and Kyra together...HELLOOOOOOO.