Friday, April 13, 2012


My husband told me I needed to start blogging and again and I said fine as long as he was aware he might be the topic of discussion some of the time. So here goes.

School started up again for Patrick and he was worn out from a long day of class and homework. As I was starting a load of laundry he said he was going to take a bath. He went into the bathroom and I started to work on dinner. As I worked at the kitchen sink I noticed the water pressure was SUPER low and not very hot. Knowing he was taking a bath, I turned off the water and started on something else. I could hear him complaining from the bathroom about the crappy water pressure and lack of hot water. This went on for a good 10 minutes. I tried to tell him, “Don’t get in until the tub’s full,” to which he replied, “that would take years.” He whined and complained and as I went in to try and help, I found him lying in the bath tub WITHOUT any water. I started crying from laughing so hard. Who sits in the tub without water? I asked what happened and like a little boy he said, “it was not working” and continued pouting as I left him in the bathroom.

Always a good time.

1 comment:

jami v. said...

awesome. :) and glad you're back ...