Monday, November 01, 2010

Maui Babe

I decided to do something big for myself this year since I was turning 30 and nothing sounded better then 8 days in Maui with some of my favorite people. It was just aa great as it sounds. I mean check out the view from our condo.

I mean look at how happy we are.

Each morning started with Eli's person wake up call from his two favorite ladies.

Followed by breakfast in the sun and a family meeting on which beach to visit.

Our main goal of the trip was to leave with a great tan. Who knew Eli was a tanning professional. He made sure we all flipped every 15 minutes and applied lotion twice a day.

And it was decided that no day had really started until I took my top off. Come on, tan lines are tacky.

Steph had a huge breakthrough. You see, she does not swim and has serious issues with putting her face in water, but SHE WENT SNORKELING. It might have taken a life jacket, boogie board, licensed lifeguard on one side and me on the other, but she did it. It was a big day and payed off with being able to swim with the largest sea turtle ever. G.J. Steph.

Aside from sunbathing, the only other thing we did was eat, and eat and eat. It took us a few tries, but we found the best shaved ice on the island and by the end of the trip were friends with the owner.

Next to shaved ice, our other favorite dessert was yogurt land. Guys, it's amazing. You pay by the lb and can choose from multiple fat free delicious yogurts and pretty much every topping you could image. I think it really takes an art form to make the perfect creation and luckily those of us in Seattle can continue trying new formulas with there soon to open location in Capital Hill.

And to make it even better, we got to meet up with this great girl who just happens to live in Hawaii.

But the BEST food find of the trip was this heavenly creation. Thick white chocolate chip macadamia nut pancakes, with home made coconut syrup and home made fat full whip cream on top. I maybe ate until I wanted to cry and waited in line for over an hour for this bad boy, but I would do it again in a heartbeat.

P and I left the kids at home and had date night out. It was kind of the perfect date.

We also did a lot of driving in the car which quickly turned into family sing along time/we missed the beach and are now stuck on some road that we might not make it off of alive.

Oh and did I mention that it was Steph's real birthday while we were there. P treated her to a little special Happy Birthday song.

All in all it was pretty much the best vacation ever. Guys, let's do this every year.

1 comment:

NatAttack said...

Happy(late)Birthday! I want in on this trip next year FOR SURE.