Sunday, March 07, 2010

To Keeping Your Shirt On

I'm a very capable woman and can confidently do many things, but going to the dentist is NOT one of them. You see, I hate the dentist. Seriously. I'd rather go to the gynecologist. My dentist growing up was very nice and did a great job, but ever since the day they told me I needed a gum graft and I burst into tears and had to be heavily sedated to go to that appointment, I've never been the same.

Tomorrow I'm finally facing my fears. It's been, let's just say MANY years since I've gone, but the past 3 months of toothache from hell have won even knowing that it most likely means a root canal. Let's not think about that yet.

I asked around for a recommendation and found a dentist I "felt good about." The woman on the phone making my appointment was extremely nice (even after I told her how long it had been since I've seen a dentist) and I've been trying to think positive thoughts.

Tonight, I was filling out my new patient paper work and I'm freaked out more then ever. Let's look at some of the questions they are asking:

1. Do you wear seat belts? If not, why not? Yes I do, but if I had said no would you refuse service or just give me a little less Novocain?
2. Do you wear a bike helmet? Why? Do we get to ride bikes to the X-Ray machine? That sounds fun.
3. If there is a gun in your home, do you keep it unloaded and out of children's reach? Guns...why are we talking about guns. Now I'm scared.
4. Are you in a relationship in which you have been physically hurt (e.g. slapped, kicked, punched by your partner)? No, but I might slap you if you ask me questions while your hands are in my mouth so easy does it Doc.
5. When was your past pap smear? Not sure what my basement has to do with my teeth.

Funny thing was, they never asked questions like: Do you floss, how often to you brush, etc. You know, questions THAT RELATE TO YOUR TEETH.

All I know is a little piece of advice my mom use to give me before I went to the dentist. "Just remember, there's no reason the Dentist need to take your shirt off for any procedure." Wish me luck.


Matthew said...


My girlfriend was at the dentist a few month ago and he asked her if she had her yearly breast exam yet for the year.

Freaked her out just a bit...

H C M said...

I wish my mom had told me that. What else did your mom tell you?

Jody and Jake Moore said...

Mom said that REALLY? That is FANTASTIC!

Valerie Payette said...

Yes, I think I just laughed out loud and disturbed the software developers surrounding me.

Melissa said...

um, i hope you asked the dr. why the random questions and i hope you didn't let the dentist feel you up!!! :)

Anonymous said...

... why would a dentist need to ask you if you floss? They can see whether or not you floss. Some of the questions may relate to other health issues which subsequently affect teeth, but it is a weird set.

James said...

HILARIOUS - it's been a while since I've been on your blog - I needed a good laugh!