Sunday, May 04, 2008

Easy Street

I drive past Easy Street Records almost daily and am always intrigued. This past weekend I ventured in and am in love. It is the perfect, slightly trashy, local record store. I purchased Madonna's new album and Robyn's album, which I am obsessed with. And any record store that throws in a few Robyn single entitled Konichiwa Bitches wins my business. Thanks Easy Street. See you next week.

1 comment:

lynsey said...

okay so i'm sure you think i'm the biggest music copycat you've ever seen. but face it, it's a form of flattery. since your brandi carlile post i started listening to her more & more & popped her on the music on the blog. you are such a trendsetter it makes me sick. LOVE YA!

ps-miss christopher is getting MARRIED